'Age cannot wither her, nor custom stale her infinite variety'

— Act II, Scene 2

Part of the 2012 Globe to Globe Festival.

In 1999, Haluk Balinger, an Istanbul star of stage and screen built the pioneering Oyun Atölyesi. It has since become the leading light of the Turkish theatre scene, staging a thrilling and diverse programme, including Timon of Athens, Macbeth and Othello. Haluk returns to the UK as Antony in this new production, which also features Zerrin Tekindor as Cleopatra, and Globe regular Kevork Malikyan as Enobarbus.


Alexas :
Evrim Alasya

Zeynep Alkaya

Antony :
Haluk Bilginer

Caesar :
Mert Fırat

Iras :
Tuğçe Karaoğlan

Pompeius / Scarus :
Emre Karayel

Charmian :
Gözde Kırgız

Enobarbus / Peasant:
Kevork Malikyan

Agrippa :
Mehmet Özbek

Thidias :
Muharrem Özcan

Cleopatra :
Zerrin Tekindor

Messenger / Eros / Seleucus:
Onur Ünsal


Kemal Aydoğan

Translated by:
Bülent Bozkurt

Music :
Tolga Çebi

Designer :
Bengi Günay

Directed for the Screen:
Ian Russell

Lighting Design :
İrfan Varlı