Globe to Globe: The Merchant of Venice (2012)
Performed in Hebrew with English subtitles. The Habima present The Merchant of Venice, one of Shakespeare's most controversial, and human plays in their first visit to the UK.
'If you prick us, do we not bleed?'
Part of the 2012 Globe to Globe Festival.
The Habima is the centre of Hebrew-language theatre worldwide. Founded in Moscow after the 1905 revolution, the company toured the world before eventually settling in Tel Aviv in the late 1920s. Since 1958, they have been recognised as the national theatre of Israel. This production, of one of Shakespeare's most controversial and most human plays, marks their first visit to the UK.
Aviv Alush
Jessica :
Liraz Chamami
Shylock :
Jacob Cohen
Salerio / Prince of Arragon:
Yoav Donat
Hila Feldman
The Duke of Venice / Old Gobbo /Jailer:
Uri Hochman
Salarino / Prince of Morocco :
Danny Leshman
Nerissa :
Rinat Matatov
Antonio :
Alon Ophir
Launcelot Gobbo:
Tomer Sharon
Bassanio :
Yousef Sweid
Lorenzo :
Nir Zelichowski
Miri Lazar
Translated by:
Dori Parnes
Ilan Ronen
Directed for the Screen:
Ian Russell
Set Design :
Shani Tur
Ori Vidislavski
Costume Design :
Maor Zabar