'O heaven, were man but constant, he were perfect.'

— Act V, Scene 4

Part of the 2012 Globe to Globe Festival.

A two-man Zimbabwean riot of love, friendship and betrayal. From Verona to Milan, via Harare and Bulawayo, two great friends, Valentine and Proteus, vie for the love of the same woman. In a triumphantly energetic 'township' style, Denton Chikura and Tonderai Munyevu slip into all of the play's 15 characters, from amorous suitors to sullen daughters, depressed servants and even a dog - in this new, specially commissioned translation.


All Characters:
Denton Chikura

All Characters:
Tonderai Munyevu


Noel Marerwa

Arne Pohlmeier

Director for the Screen:
Ian Russell